Center for Diversity and Intergroup Conflicts

About the Center
Our location in Northern Israel offers fertile ground for the field of conflict resolution. The region contains a rich microcosm of the Israeli population, featuring a mosaic of Jewish sub-societies, Christian and Muslim Arabs, Druze, Bedouins and Circassians of diverse socioeconomic, national and religious backgrounds.

What We Do
We address sources of conflict and explore constructive engagement in diverse settings.

  • Research diversity and intergroup conflicts.
  • Sponsor local, national and international conferences and seminars.
  • Curate high-profile case studies.
  • Conduct community education projects across Israel and the globe.
  • Provide professional training to develop intergroup conflict and diversity professionals in the region, country and international
  • partners, such as Polish, German and Cypriot academic institutions and civil society organizations in Europe.
  • Develop regional and international networks for engaging intergroup conflicts and diversity.

Our Goals

  • Develop modes of engaging intergroup conflicts and diversity that supplement – or substitute – costly and contentious legal methods.
  • Train managers, government officials, community leaders and residents in constructive engagement of diversity and intergroup conflict.
  • Apply conflict and diversity management skills to local problems and disputes.
  • Create a database of research findings on intergroup conflicts, including methods of engagement and best practices.

International Collaboration
We are located on the campus of Max Stern Yezreel Valley College in the north of Israel, between Nazareth and Afula, but we work with institutions, organizations and experts from across the globe.

Our key partners include Warsaw School of Economics and the University of Warsaw (Poland), the University of Applied Management (Mannheim, Germany) and the School of Management at the University of Nicosia (Cyprus). We are in the process of expanding our partnerships with academic institutions, civil society organizations and the business sector in Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Lithuania and the UK, and further developing our work with colleagues in North America through the International Association of Conflict Management.

Prof. Helena Desivilya, Director

Helena Desivilya Syna is a social and organizational psychologist with a Ph.D. in Psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is currently the chair of M.A. Studies in Organizational Development and Consulting at Max Stern YVC. She conducts research on social conflict, organizational behavior (interpersonal, intra-group and intergroup) and diversity management in organizations. She has published articles in international peer-reviewed journals, written book chapters, and edited two books: A Paradox in Partnerships: The Role of Conflict in Partnership Building (Bentham Science Publishers) and recently Women’s Voices in Management: Identifying Innovative and Responsible Solutions (Palgrave Macmillan). She is also a member of the editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals, including: Conflict Resolution Quarterly, International Journal of Conflict Management, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, and EuroMed Journal of Business.

Research Highlights

  • Gender Diversity: Research on gender in management, academia, business, the public sector and entrepreneurial pursuits
  • Diversity Sensitive Teaching and Learning: Research on effective teaching and learning methods within the context of a divided society
  • Managing Intergroup Conflicts in Nursing: Research on diversity and intergroup conflict resolution within nursing work teams
  • Engaging Intergroup Relations in Diverse Communities: Research on how to engage diverse groups within communities in meaningful relationship building

Current Opportunities
Join us to conduct research within the framework of a master’s thesis, doctoral dissertation, post-doctorate or sponsored fellowship. You can also contact us about our international seminars and conferences or training seminars for educators, managers and community leaders.

Contact us for more information.
